This mix has not been seen by enough of you…..(third eye)
This guy has a descending video that actually got me to his third eye mix. His descending mix is really cool. Check it out if you haven’t seen it. I do not remember it being that way live but he says it was where ever he heard it, but I don’t really remember that part of it I don’t think there was any singing like that right before the gong hit but anyway it’s really cool the way he does it on the descending video I (I still prefer the album version over his version but it’s an interesting take on it nonetheless ) but this isn’t about descending as epic as that was last spring. It’s the one moment of the show that I cannot get out of my head is that fucking gong. That was a magical unique moment to experience live.
I mean that just fucking but anyway there’s always a moment that blows all our minds if they open a show with it and it’s this one right here third eye and this guy put together an epic mix of different concerts and it’s like in 100s of views like it hadn’t even broken 1000 whereas descending video was like 100 K. I don’t get it. I think it start that video is an excellent. It actually shows Timothy Leary at the very beginning in the middle of the stage it seems saying the think for yourself monologue. He looks like he’s on fire or made of it. . It is just so cool. Maybe one of my favorite videos of third eye even though it’s clearly salival over concert footage. The added on the concert video is almost perfectly synced. I can’t find an error. I’m mean it is spot on perfect and he does like it’s like a through the years type of thing like you see frontman mime Maynard with a bra tool (his last frontman persona?) on through black mohawk Maynard tool with FI color schemes and it is freaking one of the best third eye videos I’ve ever seen because I just love watching him shift from you know the different versions of tool that have played that song live and it’s just epic. Those of us who’ve seen this live open a show, you know exactly how almost unfair it is to the music industry as a whole they can grab an old song from the 90s and it’s just as relevant and mind blowing as the day you first got it. As is virtually all their music. They don’t age. They’re all for most part, timeless. Enjoy.